Course curriculum

  • 1

    Growing through Systems

    • Turn general opportunities into specific changes

    • What is a system and how it helps you reclaim time, money, impact, and sanity

    • Evaluate what systems are important

    • Worksheet: System Inventory

    • Deep dive your systems

    • Finance deep dive

    • Sales deep dive

    • Marketing deep dive

    • Delivery deep dive

    • People and strategy deep dive

    • Unstick your systems

    • Pull the pieces together

What people are saying

Business Owner reviews

5 star rating

Actionable Inspriation


Jenny's expertise and tools have helped me organize, analyze, revise, and operationalize all the ideas I have jumping around in my head. The program is so...

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Jenny's expertise and tools have helped me organize, analyze, revise, and operationalize all the ideas I have jumping around in my head. The program is so brain-friendly - structure to capture and organize the parts and big picture dreaming, connection, and inspired impact to fuel and fill the structure.

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5 star rating

Clarity and focus instead of doubts and procrastination

Uta Moncur

While I already sort of knew how to run a business after 20 years of wearing many hats at a small agency, I was pulled into so many directions and was wingin...

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While I already sort of knew how to run a business after 20 years of wearing many hats at a small agency, I was pulled into so many directions and was winging most of it, just like we had done at the previous agency. Procrastination and doubts were always present. I know how to prioritize the work the clients hire me to do, but I didn't know how to prioritize my own work. This course has helped me tremendously by bringing clarity to my personal and my business goals, along with the soft and hard tools to execute on them. I would greatly recommend it to anyone who is not 100% on top of things.

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You've got what it takes

You can grow a mighty oak tree from the smallest seed.